> 春节2024 > 过年如何给客户提建议英文




Dear John,

I am glad to know that you plan to take your holiday in January. As you may know, the Spring Festival is the most important traditional festival in China, and it offers a unique experience for tourists from all over the world. Here are some suggestions for you to make the most out of your Spring Festival holiday in China.

Firstly, visiting a traditional temple fair should be on top of your list. Temple fairs are held in many cities during the Spring Festival, and they showcase traditional Chinese culture, entertainment, and delicious local food. It will be a great opportunity for you to immerse yourself in the festive atmosphere and experience Chinese customs and traditions.

Secondly, don\'t miss the opportunity to taste authentic Chinese cuisine during the Spring Festival. As you may know, Chinese New Year\'s Eve dinner, also known as the \"reunion dinner,\" is the most important meal for Chinese families. It is a great chance for you to try various traditional dishes, such as dumplings, fish, and niangao (a sticky rice cake). You can also learn more about the symbolism behind each dish and the cultural significance of the feast.

Moreover, watching the magnificent fireworks display is a must-do activity during the Spring Festival. Fireworks are an integral part of the celebration, and they represent the desire for a prosperous and joyful new year. Many cities in China organize large-scale fireworks shows, such as the one in Beijing. It will be a breathtaking experience to witness the colorful explosions lighting up the night sky.

Lastly, I recommend you visit the iconic Spring Festival decorations, such as red couplets and papercutting on doors and windows, lanterns, and traditional Chinese knot decorations. These decorations are believed to bring good luck and ward off evil spirits. You can also participate in traditional activities like lion dances and dragon boat races to fully immerse yourself in the festive atmosphere.

I hope these suggestions will help you have a memorable and enjoyable Spring Festival holiday in China!Best regards,



I know you have a great interest in Chinese culture, so I wanted to take this opportunity to introduce you to one of the most important festivals in China - the Spring Festival.

The Spring Festival, also known as the Chinese New Year, is a time when families gather together to celebrate the new lunar year. It is a joyous and festive occasion, filled with various traditions and customs that have been passed down for centuries.

During the Spring Festival, one of the most important activities is the reunion dinner on New Year\'s Eve. Family members from near and far come together to enjoy a lavish feast, symbolizing unity and good fortune for the coming year. It is a time for sharing love and warmth with loved ones.

Another significant tradition during the Spring Festival is the giving and receiving of red envelopes, known as \"hongbao\" in Chinese. These red envelopes contain money and are given as gifts to children and unmarried adults. It is believed that the money brings good luck and blessings for the recipient.

Furthermore, the Spring Festival is also a time for various cultural performances and activities. Traditional lion and dragon dances can be seen on the streets, accompanied by the rhythmic beats of drums and cymbals. People also set off firecrackers and fireworks to ward off evil spirits and welcome a prosperous new year.

The Spring Festival is a truly magical and vibrant time in China. I hope one day you will have the chance to experience it firsthand and immerse yourself in the rich cultural heritage it offers.

Best wishes,


During the Spring Festival in China, various customs and delicious food play a significant role in the celebration. Let\'s take a closer look at some of these traditions and delicacies:

One of the most iconic customs of the Spring Festival is the hanging of red couplets and papercutting on doors and windows. These decorations not only add a festive atmosphere but also symbolize good luck and prosperity for the coming year.

Another important tradition is the use of lanterns. Lanterns of various shapes and sizes are hung both indoors and outdoors to illuminate the surroundings and create a warm and joyful atmosphere. It is believed that the lanterns bring good luck and drive away evil spirits.

When it comes to Spring Festival food, dumplings are a must-have dish. Dumplings, shaped like gold ingots, symbolize wealth and good fortune. They are often made by the whole family, with different fillings such as pork, cabbage, or shrimp. Eating dumplings together during the New Year\'s Eve dinner is a symbol of family reunion and a prosperous year ahead.

Another popular Spring Festival delicacy is niangao, a sticky rice cake. The pronunciation of \"niangao\" sounds like \"higher year\" in Chinese, symbolizing the hope for a better and more prosperous year. Niangao can be steamed, fried, or even used as an ingredient in other dishes. Its sweet and sticky texture is loved by people of all ages.

Fireworks are an inseparable part of Spring Festival celebrations. The loud noise and bright colors of fireworks are believed to scare away evil spirits and bring good fortune. It is a tradition to set off fireworks at midnight on New Year\'s Eve to welcome the arrival of the new year with joy and excitement.

In conclusion, the Spring Festival is not only a time for family reunion and celebration but also a showcase of Chinese traditions and culinary delights. It is a unique and unforgettable experience that offers a glimpse into the rich cultural heritage of China.


During the Spring Festival, China offers a plethora of activities and attractions for tourists to enjoy. Here are some suggestions for making the most out of your Spring Festival travel:

Firstly, explore the traditional temple fairs held in various cities. Temple fairs are vibrant and colorful events, where you can experience Chinese culture, taste delicious food, and enjoy traditional performances. It\'s a great opportunity to immerse yourself in the festive atmosphere and witness traditional customs.

Secondly, don\'t miss the chance to visit the famous historical sites during the Spring Festival. Many attractions are beautifully decorated with festive elements, creating a unique atmosphere. The Great Wall, Forbidden City, and Terracotta Warriors are just a few examples of must-visit destinations.

Furthermore, experiencing the local customs and traditions is a must-do during the Spring Festival. You can try your hand at making dumplings or participate in lion dances and dragon boat races. These activities not only provide entertainment but also offer insights into Chinese culture and traditions.

Additionally, enjoying the Spring Festival cuisine is an essential part of the travel experience. From street food stalls to high-end restaurants, you can indulge in a wide variety of traditional dishes such as hot pot, tangyuan (glutinous rice balls), and various regional specialties.

Last but not least, embracing the festive spirit, join in the countdown celebrations and watch the magnificent fireworks displays. Major cities like Beijing and Shanghai organize spectacular fireworks shows that light up the sky and create a memorable experience for visitors.

Overall, spending the Spring Festival in China can be an enchanting and unforgettable experience. It offers a unique opportunity to immerse yourself in Chinese traditions, taste delicious food, and create lifelong memories.